
Coop Odors: The Stinky Truth and How Nutrition can Help

Coop Odors: The Stinky Truth and How Nutrition can Help

Sometimes your coop can get a little smelly, which can be a little embarrassing. What’s the scoop on coop odors, and how can you help your hens live their best lives by reducing odors in their home? Causes of Coop Odors Although chicken poop can be stinky, the most likely culprit for coop odors is the colorless gas ammonia. A combination of hydrogen and nitrogen, ammonia has a sharp, pungent smell, similar to vinegar. Chickens that are exposed to this gas can develop permanent damage to lungs and eyes and will avoid the coop if levels are too high. Ammonia...

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Tips On Fly Control For Your Cattle

Tips On Fly Control For Your Cattle

Every year spring brings new beginnings. The sun shines, livestock begin to breed, and the grass begins to turn green again. With all that beauty also comes some disadvantages. The one disadvantage you should be aware of is fly season.  Flies can torment your cattle and drain profits in pastures all over the nation by causing them to lose weight and not produce milk.  The reason why flies surround and invade cattle so much is because the manure cattle leave behind is a prime breeding ground for flies to lay eggs. During the summer months, this will only create a...

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Keeping Your Pets Cool in Hot Weather

Keeping Your Pets Cool in Hot Weather

Summer weather is one of the best times to get outside and be active with your furry friend.  However, you should keep in mind that your pet reacts differently to heat than you do. Here are some things to keep an eye out for during hot weather: Pre-hot weather grooming Before the hot summer days arrive, you may want to consider grooming your pet. Thought your pet does have the natural defense of shedding as the heat approaches, it never hurts to help things along by giving a quick brushing to get out all the loose hair. This can be...

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Pet Care After an Insect Sting

Pet Care After an Insect Sting

Insect stings can be painful or itchy, or may cause more severe skin or allergic reactions. What should you do to care for your pet after an insect sting to keep the animal comfortable and avoid any other possible complications? Insects That Sting A wide variety of insects can sting, including bees, wasps, hornets, fire ants, yellow jackets, mosquitos, spiders, and more. Other insects, such as fleas and ticks, may bite but not necessarily sting, though the reactions can be the same. Many insects, whether they bite or sting, are not typically aggressive, but bite or sting only as a...

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Dealing With Colic in Horses

Dealing With Colic in Horses

Colic can be a tricky condition in horses, difficult to diagnose and effectively treat. With care, however, most horses do recover completely, and knowing how to deal with colic in horses can help you stay alert to your equine friend’s health. The better you understand colic, the more comfortable you can keep your horse during a painful bout and the better you can minimize the animal’s risk of another incident. What Is Colic? Colic is a relatively general term used to refer to abdominal pain. In horses, this pain may originate from various sources, including the stomach, intestines, or liver,...

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