
Springtime Pet Care Tips

Springtime Pet Care Tips

Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, not only for nature but for our pets as well. As the weather warms up and the days grow longer, it's important to take some steps to ensure our furry friends are happy and healthy. Here are some springtime pet care tips to keep in mind: Protect against parasites: Spring is the season when parasites like fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes become more active. Make sure your pet is up to date on their flea and tick prevention medication, and consider using a natural mosquito repellent to keep them safe from heartworms. Keep...

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Preparing for Chicks: Setting Up Your Brooder

Preparing for Chicks: Setting Up Your Brooder

Spring is chick season. Whether you are just starting a flock, increasing the numbers of chickens you keep or bringing new breeds home to try. Your brooder is critical to give for your chicks security, warmth and shelter they need for their earliest days. How can you set up a brooder to give your chicks the safest, healthiest start? Containers for Brooders A brooder is simply a small home for your chicks to help meet their needs and keep them safely contained as they grow. Cardboard boxes are often used as brooders, and while a large, sturdy box can be...

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How to Remove a Tick From Your Pet Safely and Easily

How to Remove a Tick From Your Pet Safely and Easily

Ticks can be bothersome, even dangerous, pests, but you can easily remove them if your pet does pick one up. Removing ticks safely and easily can help keep your pet comfortable and healthy, even if ticks are a nuisance. About Ticks Ticks are eight-legged parasites that bite through the skin and feed on the blood of their host. As a tick feeds, its body will swell dramatically, and one tick may stay on a host 5-14 days until it is fully engorged. Once finished feeding, the tick will naturally drop off. Several species of ticks are common in North America,...

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Horse Dental Care

Horse Dental Care

A horse's teeth change throughout its life and proper dental care is essential for your horse to be comfortable feeding, grazing and carrying a bit. But what types of problems can develop, and how should they be taken care of? Does Your Horse Have Tooth Problems? A horse has from 36-44 teeth, and those teeth wear down as the horse grazes and eats. Because our horses have different diets that are often softer than the fodder their wild ancestors and cousins consume, however, the wear on their teeth may be uneven or slow, and different dental problems can occur. Your...

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Dental Care Tips for Your Pet

Dental Care Tips for Your Pet

Healthy teeth and gums are essential for all pets, from chewing and eating to grooming, defense and clean breath. With just a few steps, pet owners can keep their pet's mouth healthy and avoid a range of unpleasant and dangerous health issues that result from poor dental care. Know the Signs The first step to proper pet dental care is recognizing problems so any issues can be addressed immediately. Watch your pet for these signs that indicate their teeth or gums are in trouble… Strong, offensive smells on the breath Swollen or discolored gums (pink is normal) Excessive drooling Pawing...

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